Monday, September 20, 2010

We are Safe!

You may have heard about the shooting in New Delhi earlier yesterday morning. We are very sad about the event as two innocent tourists from Taiwan who were in town to shoot a documentary were seriously injured. We are staying in a remote area of Delhi and are getting the HELL out of this town at 6am tomorrow morning, so not to worry! Missy's friend, Maire, who is Irish, but lives in London has joined our party and will be with us until October 9! We are so excited to have her and I am sure her sarcastic manner and contagious laugh will add nothing but love to our trip. Missy and Maire volunteered together in Kenya 2.5 years ago, and are just now reuniting for the first's a beautiful thing. We have spent this entire day in our hotel restaurant planning our trip, eating bread, drinking beers, and playing cards. Tomorrow we see the Taj Mahal!

Thanks for the emails everyone, but rest assured, we have made friends with the hotel staff and are having fun cooped up in our hostel :)


  1. great to chat with you this morning! :) glad to hear you're leaving the city for now! if all else fails, just use your infamous british accent (although that could be better or worse) enjoy the Taj!

  2. Alysa, I love your blog!!!! You are such a fantastic writer! Sounds like you and Missy are having such an amazing time. Keep the posts coming!
